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2025 summer housing runs from May 11 to September 2.


The Summer Housing Request Form opens on Monday, April 14, 2025 at 10 a.m. via Residence Life Self Service. The priority deadline for summer housing requests is Wednesday, April 30, 2025 at 11:59 p.m.

The Summer Housing Request Form will be unavailable from May 1–June 1. Students will not be able to register for summer housing during this time. On June 2, the Summer Housing Request Form will reopen until July 27 for new and updated requests.

Students are encouraged to register only for summer housing blocks they are certain will be needed. Cancellations will not be permitted after May 5 (see Cancellations/Refunds). Students may request through July 27 to have their summer housing extended, if available. Students who wish to extend their time in summer housing must update their summer housing request form or contact Residence Life at at least five business days prior to the start of the next block.

Summer housing is limited and offered on a first come, first served basis.


Currently enrolled Ada Comstock Scholars, traditional undergraduate, and graduate students are eligible for summer housing. Entering students, graduating seniors, and non-Smith students are not eligible for summer housing. Students who are withdrawn from the college are also not eligible for summer housing.

Housing Assignments & Locations

Summer housing will be located at Cutter House, Parsons House, Washburn House, and Ziskind House. Conway House and Rothman House will continue to be utilized as housing for Ada Comstock Scholars currently assigned to these communities. Graduate students eligible for summer housing will be assigned to 44 Green Street.

We are providing all single occupancy rooms. Rooms typically used as doubles throughout the academic year will have only one occupant in the summer. This means no students will have a roommate for summer housing. Air-conditioning and kitchen access is available in all summer housing locations.

All assignments will be determined by Residence Life and emailed to students three days prior to their scheduled arrival date. Students will be able to indicate specific house preferences when registering for summer housing.

Students with approved ARC housing accommodations will be provided with housing that meets their current accommodations on file, if available. If you require new ARC accommodations, please be in touch with the Accessibility Resource Center at as soon as possible. Students with service or approved emotional support animals will not be housed in Washburn House, as this house is designated as animal-free.

All students registered for summer housing after August 16 will move into their academic year assignments on Sunday, August 17, 2025.

Note: Students who do not have a fall housing assignment (due to study abroad/away, leave of absence, living off-campus, etc.) must vacate summer housing no later than noon on Sunday, August 17, 2025.

Payments & Fees

Summer housing will be charged at a weekly rate of $275 (includes room and board), billed by block period. Students who receive a meal plan exemption qualify for a reduced weekly rate of $165 (includes room only).

Students will be required to register for full block periods. Students will be responsible for the full block rate, including instances of late arrival, early departure, or cancellations after the cancellation deadline (May 5).

Traditional Undergraduate & Graduate Student Fees





Block 1

May 11–26

~2 weeks

$595.83 (with meals)
$357.50 (without meals)

Block 2

May 26–June 22

~4 weeks

$1,054.17 (with meals)
$635.50 (without meals)

Block 3

June 22–29

1 week

$275 (with meals)
$165 (without meals)

Block 4

June 29–July 20

3 weeks

$825 (with meals)
$495 (without meals)

Block 5

July 20–August 3

2 weeks

$550 (with meals)
$330 (without meals)

Block 6A

August 3–17

2 weeks

$550 (with meals)
$330 (without meals)

Block 6B*

August 3–September 2

~4 weeks

$1,191.66 (with meals)
$715 (without meals)

Full Summer

May 11–September 2

~16 weeks

$4,491.66 (with meals)
$2,698 (without meals)

Ada Comstock Scholars (Conway and Rothman Houses Only) Fees





Block 1

May 11–June 1

3 weeks

$110 (with meals)
No charge (without meals)

Block 2

June 1–July 1

~4 weeks

$1,191.66 (with meals)
$715 (without meals)

Block 3

July 1–August 1

~4 weeks

$1,237.50 (with meals)
$742.50 (without meals)

Block 4

August 1–September 2

~4 weeks

$220 (with meals)
No charge (without meals)

Full Summer

May 11–September 2

~16 weeks

$2,759.16 (with meals)
$1,457.50 (without meals)

Summer housing fees are billed directly to your student account. Students will be automatically enrolled in a payment plan through Student Financial Services for payment of all summer housing fees. Students have the option to either make regular payments to their student accounts throughout the summer or make lump sum payments prior to the first day of classes in the fall. As long as the full amount due is paid before September 4, no late fees will be charged.

For students who register for summer housing prior to May 1, your student account will be billed on or around May 15 for any summer housing from May 11–August 17.

For students who register for summer housing after June 1, your student account will be billed on or around the 15th of the month following your registration date for any housing from June 1–August 17.

If you plan to be in summer housing from August 17–September 2 (Block 6B), you will not be billed for the period between August 17–September 2 until early August, after approved early arrivals are confirmed. All charges for summer housing dates after August 17 will be billed separately in August. If you have been approved for early arrival by a Smith advisor/supervisor for training or work directly related to orientation/the opening of the college or a coach for athletic pre-season, you will not be charged for this period.

Cancellations will not be permitted after May 5. Limited exceptions will be considered for student cancellations due to personal illness/injury making travel to campus unsafe for the student and/or the Smith community, certain international travel-related issues (border closures, international travel restrictions, passport/visa issues, etc.) and participation in select summer programs (i.e. MMUF, Pre-College Programs, Reunion, etc). Additional documentation may be required.

Students should plan to arrive on the first day of their arrival block or subsequent weekday during normal business hours to pick up their room key. Students may depart at any point during their summer housing block. Refunds will not be issued for late arrivals or early departures with limited exception (see above). Students who are withdrawn from the college are entitled to a refund based on their withdrawal date.

Students who wish to extend their time in summer housing must update their summer housing request form or contact Residence Life at at least 5 business days prior to the start of the next block. Students who do not move out by the last day of their scheduled block will be charged for the full rate of the next block.

We are unable to provide financial assistance for on-campus summer housing or off-campus housing obtained by the student. Students participating in the SURF program may be eligible for financial assistance provided by the SURF program. Please contact for additional information.

You are responsible for paying the full amount of your contracted time regardless of whether you stay the entire time. You may not cancel any blocks already registered for after May 5. If you are unsure about your length of stay, please only sign up for the minimal amount of blocks. You may update your summer housing request form or contact Residence Life to request additional weeks, if needed, as space is available.

Rooms will be inspected and damages or cleaning charges will be assessed to you. You will be billed for unreturned room keys.

Arrivals & Departures

Key Pick-Up

Students may arrive on the following block arrivals dates:

  • Monday, May 12, 2025 

  • Monday, May 26, 2025

  • Sunday, June 22, 2025  

  • Sunday, June 29, 2025    

  • Sunday, July 20, 2025        

  • Sunday, August 5, 2025


Students moving directly from their academic year assignments will remain in their academic year assignment until Monday, May 12. Key pick-up will be available from 9 a.m.–4 p.m. All academic year room assignments must be completely vacated no later than 9am on Tuesday, May 13. Students arriving for summer housing from off-campus locations will be able to pick-up keys on their scheduled move-in date. Key pick-up will be available from 1–3 p.m.

Ada Comstock Scholars arriving from off-campus locations will be contacted in advance regarding your key pick-up date, time and location.


Summer housing blocks run from Sunday until Sunday, unless otherwise noted. Your summer housing block ends on a Sunday and you will have until Sunday at noon to move out. You will be expected to vacate your summer housing location COMPLETELY by noon on the Sunday at the end of your block, unless otherwise noted. You WILL NOT be permitted to leave items in your summer housing assignment after Noon on your scheduled departure date and/or for blocks you have not signed up for. All rooms will be checked by a Residence Life staff member immediately following your scheduled departure date and time to verify that you have departed campus.

If you sign up for consecutive blocks, you do not need to move out from block to block unless there is a gap in your summer housing blocks.

If you have a gap (a gap meaning that your housing ends, you are away for a block during which you did not register and pay, and then you return), you must remove all belongings from the room, clean it, and drop off the key just as if your housing were ending for that block. You may not leave your belongings in your summer housing assignment if you have not signed up for that block. This room will be assigned to other students. Items may be stored in JMG until you return to campus.

All students registered for summer housing after August 16 will move into their academic year assignments on Sunday, August 17, 2025.

Students Without 2025–26 Academic Year Assignments

On-campus housing will not be available after August 17 for students who will not be living on-campus for the fall semester. Students who plan to study abroad/away, take a leave or live off-campus for the fall semester, will not be permitted to reside in summer housing after August 17 at noon as all students will be expected to transition to their academic year assignments on this date. Alternative off-campus housing will be required for students without academic year assignments. Please plan accordingly.

Meal Plan

All traditional undergraduate students are required to participate in the summer housing meal plan. Ada Comstock Scholars and graduate students may request access to the meal plan at the room and board rate listed or may opt out of the meal plan option.

Meals will be offered 5 days a week with breakfast, lunch and dinner available on all weekdays (certain holidays excluded). Breakfast and lunch will be available at the Campus Center Cafe for purchase with Dining Dollars. Students participating in the meal plan will receive a weekly Dining Dollar allotment (to be determined by Dining Services) at the start of each week. Dining Dollars must be used during the allotted week and do not rollover for later use. Buffet-style dinner will be available in the designated summer housing dining room location. Dining locations and hours are subject to change.

Students will be responsible for purchasing and/or preparing their own meals on weekends. All summer housing locations will have access to communal kitchen areas, which include access to a refrigerator, stove/oven and microwave.

Ada Comstock Scholars and other students who are deemed financially independent by Student Financial Services are permitted to opt out of the meal plan during the registration period.

All other students who wish to request a meal plan exemption* may do so by contacting the Accessibility Resource Center for exemptions related to a medical need or Dining Services for exemptions due to religious or dietary needs. Residence Life is unable to grant meal plan exemptions. All meal plan exemptions must be approved by ARC and/or Dining Services. Meal plan exemptions will not be granted based on financial need.

*If you need an accommodation or exception to the meal plan, please contact Dining Services at and/or ARC at Dining accommodations must be received by May 15 and your bill will be adjusted. Meal plan exemptions received after May 15 will only be considered for future summer housing blocks.

Extended Housing

We are allowing students approved for extended housing to remain in their academic year rooms until after Commencement. Students not approved for extended housing must sign up for summer housing for those two weeks.

Summer Storage

If you are a student living on campus during the summer, you may store no more than three items in John M. Greene storage. If you are participating in extended housing or Precollege Programs and are not paying to live on campus during the summer, you may store no more than three items in JMG storage. This is in addition to the items (no more than five) that may be stored in your house trunk room.

This is short-term storage, and all items stored must be retrieved by the end of the first week of fall classes. Each item should be visibly and clearly labeled with your full name, class year, date stored and date you are returning to campus. The storage facility is in the basement of John M. Greene Hall. You may check-in at the back steps of JMG during posted times to store your items. Additional hours are posted on the web site as they become available. If you have additional questions about JMG storage, you may contact Hannah Durrant at

Note: Smith College is not liable for missing or damaged items that are stored in trunk rooms. In addition, Smith College is not liable for use of off-campus storage options nor does the college endorse particular vendors.

Housing for Summer Precollege Programs during your term of employment is handled through the Office of Summer Programs. Contact Program Coordinator Katie Edington, at, with any questions.