Break Housing & Storage
Smith has four breaks throughout the year (Thanksgiving, winter, spring and summer) where you must apply to remain on campus. It is important that you know the dates when houses close before breaks and open after breaks. You will not be permitted to stay in a house after the designated closing date and time nor to move back into a house before the designated date and time.
In this Section
Housing Request Form
Students who wish to stay on campus for vacation must complete a break housing request form. Forms and applications required for break housing will be made available on your Residence Life Self-Service page. If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact the Office of Residence Life.
The form is a contractual agreement between the permanent residents of the room and the vacation occupant. This is to ensure that all involved parties are in agreement with the conditions of occupying the room during break.
Front door OneCard access will change on all houses for breaks. OneCard house access turns off at 10 a.m. on the day the break starts, and OneCard house access will turn on at 1 p.m. the day the break ends. If you have completed a Thanksgiving or Spring Break Housing request and have been approved to stay, you will have access to the house you are staying in during the break.
Available Housing
Available Housing
Housing Cost
Effective Spring 2019, all fees associated with Thanksgiving and Spring Break periods have been eliminated. There are no fees for students who remain on campus during Thanksgiving and/or Spring Break. Students are still required to sign up in advance for housing during these break periods.
Break Keys
OneCards will be used to access the front door. You are responsible for keys borrowed for break. Lost break keys result in the usual key charges of $110 ($50 for a core replacement, $30 for a replacement key, $30 for a replacement tag key). Don't forget that if you lose the key for a double room, you also have to pay the cost of the roommate's replacement key (an additional $30, for a total of $140).