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Snow Parking Ban

The College has declared a snow parking ban, effective February 8th, at 5 p.m. to February 9th, at 5 p.m. Please visit Winter Parking for additional information.

Neilson Library Opening at 1 p.m. Sunday, February 9

Due to inclement weather, Neilson Library will open at 1 p.m. on 2/9. Hillyer and Josten Library hours remain unaffected.

If a student is planning to study away from Smith College during either semester of their senior year, whether in the United States or abroad, they must petition to the Administrative Board to complete their senior year elsewhere. This process includes completing the senior year elsewhere form (this is linked below), along with other necessary materials: If you are studying away within the United States, you must complete a Transfer Credit Application for the Registrar's Office (review the Transfer Credit webpage), as well as complete the Request for Approved Off-Campus Study google form for the Class Deans Office (review the Leaves of Absence webpage). If you are studying abroad, you must complete the Study Abroad Office process.

Normally, to petition to study elsewhere during the senior year, you must:

  • have a cumulative average GPA of at least a B (3.0)
  • have been in residence at Smith College for four semesters, including two of your final four semesters
  • have a declared major
  • have no shortage of credit at the time of application
  • note: students who transfer into the college with 64 credits cannot study elsewhere

Senior Year Elsewhere Form

The linked form is located on Google Sheets, as a view-only document. In order to fill the form out, please create a duplicate copy of the form and follow the steps outlined on the first tab of the document. The first tab is formatted as a checklist, providing you with the ability to check off each step as you fill out your form. When the form is completed, please download the entire document as a pdf (or print it) by following step number 4 on the checklist. Please note that if you have two majors, you must submit a form for each major and obtain the necessary signatures for each major. 

You must submit the completed and signed form(s) as a petition to the Administrative Board. For more information about petitioning, and to get the link to the petition form, please refer to the "Announcements" section on the Class Deans website.

Additionally, if your courses change after receiving approval from the Administrative Board, you must submit an updated plan to your adviser with a statement about the changes for their approval and then to your Class Dean for approval. In order to graduate, you must earn at least 128 credits (with 64 of those credits being outside the major department). 

If you are studying elsewhere during your senior year, you are welcome to return for Commencement, but please be aware that your diploma case may be empty if Smith has not received your transcript in time. Smith will then mail your diploma after receiving your transcript.