Departmental Honors
Any student with a strong academic background may apply to complete an honors project in the department or program of her major. A successfully completed thesis project leads to the awarding of the bachelor of arts degree with the notation “honors,” “high honors” or “highest honors” in the student’s major subject. Honors students’ names and the titles of their thesis projects are listed in the Commencement program. You may only earn honors in one major.
General Information
How to Apply
Thesis Project Funding
A memorial fund in honor of Nancy Kershaw Tomlinson was established to help student thesis writers pay for some of the expenses incurred in honors projects.
Tomlinson grants in any one year are limited and may not cover all of your expenses. Money is awarded as a reimbursement either to you or to your department here at Smith, so you will need to keep your original receipts. Awards are not always approved.
To receive funding you must include:
- A full explanation of how you will use the funds
- An itemized budget for the honors project on either or both of the following forms:
(Word document)
(Word document)
- The signature of the honors thesis adviser and the director of honors supporting your request certifying that departmental or grant funds and supplies have been used to the fullest extent possible in meeting the needs of the honors project.
The Subcommittee on Honors and Independent Programs (SHIP) will not consider late applications. Requests for funding must be made at the time students are applying for honors.
Please note that funding for research will not be approved if it involves missing classes for more than three days.
Tomlinson money cannot be supplemented with extra funding from the dean of the college.
The Tomlinson Memorial Fund does not give cash advances; it only reimburses expenses, either to you or your department.
- You can only use Tomlinson money for the items approved on your budget sheet to help with the research of your honors thesis project.
- You must document all your expenses with original receipts and a completed reimbursement form.
Tomlinson Reimbursement Form
- Reimbursement is made in one of two ways: through direct deposit into the student’s personal bank account OR through direct transfer to the departmental account of the student’s major department/program. In either case, original receipts are required for reimbursement.
- If you are making supplies or equipment purchases through your department, you must speak to the administrative assistant in your department about how to do this and complete the necessary forms for the Tomlinson Fund to reimburse the department.
- If you are making supplies purchases or travel purchases yourself, you will need to provide a completed reimbursement form, an itemized list with a total of the expenses, and attach the original receipts to that list and then email them to or bring them in person to the honors assistant in College Hall 101.
- If you are paying participants who are in a study/survey you are conducting (only with permission from the Institutional Review Board first) the college requirement limits each participant to $25 or less and a receipt needs to be obtained for reimbursement purposes. Email the honors assistant for a receipt template if needed at
- The Tomlinson Fund cannot cover laptops or other computer equipment.
- The Tomlinson Fund cannot cover tuition or room and board for summer school.
- Anything you buy with Tomlinson money (equipment, books, DVDs or CDs or other unused supplies) becomes the property of Smith and should be turned in to your department if you are purchasing through them or to the senior class dean if you are making purchases yourself, no later than April 15.