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Sergey Glebov

Professor of History

Sergey Glebov


Seelye Hall 414


Sergey Glebov is a historian of the Russian Empire/USSR. He holds a joint appointment in the history departments of Smith and Amherst colleges.

His research focuses on intellectual, political and cultural history of the Russian empire and Soviet Union and on ideologies of imperial expansion, Russian nationalism and Russia's nationalities. Glevov's research into the history of the Eurasianist movement led him to explore connections between reimaginings of Russian imperial space and the emerging structuralism in interwar Europe. He is also interested in the history of the Russian Empire in Siberia, the Far East, and North America, in particular in the interactions of native peoples and imperial structures, and in the history of missionary activities and scholarly exploration. He is a founding editor of Ab Imperio: Studies in New Imperial History and Nationalism in the Post-Soviet Space.

Selected Publications

Books and Edited Collections

From Empire to Eurasia: Politics, Scholarship and Ideology in Russian Eurasianism, 1920s – 1930s. Dekalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 2017.

Between Europe and Asia: The Origins, Theories and Legacies of Russian Eurasianism. Co-edited with Mark Bassin and Marlene Laruelle. Pittsburgh University Press, 2015.

Region v istorii imperii: istoricheskie esse of Sibiri (Region in Empire’s History: Historical Essays on Siberia), editor and author of introduction (Moscow: Novoe Izdatel’stvo, 2013).

Evraziistvo mezhdu imperiei i modernom: Istoria v dokumentakh (Eurasianism Between Empire and Modernity: A History in Documents), (Editor and author of comments and introduction). Novoe izdatel’stvo: Moscow, 2009.

Novaia Imperskaia Istoria postsovetskogo prostranstva (New Imperial History for the post-Soviet Space), co-edited with I. Gerasimov, A. Kaplunovsky, M. Mogilner, and A. Semyonov (CSEN, Kazan, 2004).

Articles and Chapters

"Citizenship, Subjecthood, and Difference in the Late Ottoman and Russian Empires" in Ab Imperio (1) 2017, pp. 45-58 (with Dina Rizk Khoury).

"Between Foreigners and Subjects: Imperial Subjecthood, Governance, and the Chinese in the Russian Far East, 1860s-1880s" in Ab Imperio 1 (2017), pp. 86-130. 

“Hybridity: Marrism and the Problems of Language of the Imperial Situation” in Ab Imperio (1) 2016, pp. 27-68 (with Ilya Gerasimov and Marina Mogilner).

“N. S. Trubetskoi's “Europe and Mankind” and Eurasianist Antievolutionism: One Unknown Source,” in Between Europe and Asia: The Origins, Theories and Legacies of Russian Eurasianism. Co-edited with Mark Bassin and Marlene Laruelle. Pittsburgh University Press, 2015.

Post-War Russian Eurasianism's Anticolonial Critique of Eurocentrism and Modernity,” The Empire & Nationalism at War. Russia's Great War Series. Ed. by Eric Lohr, Vera Tolz, Alexander Semyonov, and Mark Von Hagen. Slavica Publishers, 2014.

"The Post-Imperial Meets the Post-Colonial: Russian Historical Experience and the Post-Colonial Moment" in Ab Imperio (2013), Vol. XIV, N. 2, pp. 97-135 (with Ilya Gerasimov and Marina Mogilner).

“Siberian Ruptures: Dilemmas of Ethnography in Imperial Situation,” in Roland Cwetkowski and Alexis Hofmeister (Eds.), An Empire of Others: Creating Ethnographic Knowledge in Imperial Russia and the USSR (Budapest: CEU Press, 2013).

“Space and Structuralism in Russian Eurasiansm,” in S. Turoma and M. Waldstein (Eds.), Empire De/Centered: New Spatial Histories of Russia and the Soviet Union (London: Ashgate, 2013), pp. 31-60.

“The Arc of Thinking About Nationalism in Challenging Time,” (co-authored with Alexander Semyonov), Ab Imperio 1 (2012): 245-249.

"O territorii vlasti i vlasti territorii: zametki na poliakh 'Sibiri v sostave Rossiiskoi imperii'" (On the Territory of Power and the Power of Territory: Marginalia on "Siberia in the Russian Empire"), in Ab Imperio 4-2008, pp. 429-439.

"New Imperial History and the Challenges of Empire," co-authored with I. Gerasimov, Jan Kusber, M. Mogilner, and A. Semyonov, in: Ilya Gerasimov, Jan Kusber, and Alexander Semyonov, eds., I. Gerasimov et al (eds.) Empire Speaks Out: Languages of Rationalization and Self-Description in the Russian Empire (Leiden: Brill, 2009), 3-32.

"Siberian Middle Ground: Languages of Rule and Accommodation on Siberian Frontier," in I. Gerasimov et al (eds.) Empire Speaks Out: Languages of Rationalization and Self-Description in the Russian Empire (Brill: Leiden, 2009), pp. 121-151.

"Wither Eurasia: History of Ideas in an Imperial Situation," in Ab Imperio 2-2008, pp. 345-376.

"Regulierter Polizeistaat and Iasak: Heinrich Fick’s Siberian Memorandum," in Ab Imperio 1-2006, pp. 221-240.

"Eurasianism," in J. Merriman and J. Winter (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Europe, 1914-2004.

"Le frémissement du temps: Petr Suvchinsky, l'eurasisme et l'esthétique de la modernité," in Pierre Souvtchinski, cahiers d'étude (Ed. par Eric Humbertclaude), L'Harmattan, Paris, 2006, pp. 163-223.

"A Life with Imperial Dreams: Petr Nikolaevich Savitsky, Eurasianism, and the Invention of "Structuralist" Geography," in Ab Imperio 3-2005, pp. 299-329.

"Unser Europa": Russen ueber Europa und Russlands Platz in ihm, 1697-1920", in Jahrbuch fuer Europaeische Geschichte, Band 5, pp. 83-111, 2004.

"Science, Culture, and Empire: Eurasianism as a Modernist Movement," in Slavic and East European Information Resources, (2003), Vol 4, N. 4 (Proceedings of the Conference on Russian and East European Book and Manuscript Collections in the United States, Columbia University-New York Public Library, New York, USA), pp. 13-31.


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Fall 2024
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On Sabbatical


Ph.D., Rutgers University

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