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Snow Parking Ban

The College has declared a snow parking ban, effective February 8th, at 5 p.m. to February 9th, at 5 p.m. Please visit Winter Parking for additional information.

Neilson Library Opening at 1 p.m. Sunday, February 9

Due to inclement weather, Neilson Library will open at 1 p.m. on 2/9. Hillyer and Josten Library hours remain unaffected.

Katherine Clemans

Lecturer in Psychology


Bass Hall


Katherine Clemans received her doctorate in development psychology in 2010 from the University of Florida. A former Amherst College visiting assistant professor whose research focuses on antisocial behavior in adolescents, she teaches courses at Smith in research methods, development psychology and moral psychology.

Office Hours

Spring 2022
Monday and Wednesday, 3–5 p.m.


Ph.D., University of Florida

Selected Works in Scholar Works