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Poster Child

Smithies Create


Published June 26, 2023

Poster historian Angelina Lippert ’07 is chief curator and director of content at Poster House in New York City, the first museum in the United States dedicated to posters.

Its mission is to present the impact, culture, and design of posters as historical documents and contemporary visual communication. Lippert’s latest exhibit, opening this September, is Art Deco: Commercializing the Avant-Garde, which chronicles the rise and fall of what came to be known as Art Deco; it features posters from the 1925 Paris Exhibition through the beginning of World War II, including Hungarian painter Róbert Berény’s 1929 Modiano. Current exhibits include Black Power to Black People: Branding the Black Panther Party and Advertising Type: Women in Digital Design. Lippert, who earned a graduate degree from the Courtauld Institute of Art in London, is the author of The Art Deco Poster: Rare and Iconic. 

Poster House
Angelina Lippert ’07

This story appears as part of the Smithies Create column in the Summer 2023 issue of the Smith Alumnae Quarterly.

Róbert Berény’s Modiano (1929) is featured in Angelina Lippert ’07’s latest exhibit. Courtesy of Poster House