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Plant-Powered Families

Smithies Create


Published February 23, 2021

Marisa Miller Wolfson ’98 made a name for her­self in 2011 as the writer-director of Vegucated, an award-winning documentary that follows meat- and cheese-loving New Yorkers who adopt a vegan diet for six weeks.

Now she’s back with a spinoff cook­book, The Vegucated Family Table, co-written with plant-based chef Laura Delhauer. Miller Wolfson says it’s the first cookbook made specifically for parents of vegan babies, toddlers and little kids. (“Some Smithies helped me with recipe testing!”) 

The authors’ recipe for a nutrient-rich green juice yields 4 cups, which they write is “enough to share with exhausted parents who need an energy boost without fear of caffeine jitters.” Reprinted with permission. 

Makes 4 Cups (8 Servings) 
2 apples, cored and coarsely chopped 4 kale leaves 
6 or 7 fresh pineapple spears 
½ cucumber, peeled 
½ lemon, rind removed 

Turn on your juicer and feed in the apples, kale, pineapple, cucumber, and lemon, alternating among them, until everything is juiced. Serve immediately and feel free to pour leftovers into popsicle molds for at least 4 hours before unmolding and serving.

Marisa Miller Wolfson ’98 and Laura Delhauer
Ten Speed Press, 2020 

This story appears as part of the Smithies Create column in the Winter 2020-21 issue of the Smith Alumnae Quarterly.