As a new Smithie and an AEMES (Achieving Excellence in Mathematics, Engineering and Sciences) scholar, I became an intern at the MacLeish Field Station. This opportunity stood out because I grew up in New York City and always admired spaces like the Brooklyn Bridge Park, for its engineering aspects and its ability to bring people together in a natural environment. At MacLeish, I was part of the team that designed and built the archery field.
“At MacLeish, I was part of the team that designed and built the archery field. I love spending time outdoors and the opportunity to combine engineering with sustainability and community projects.”
After completing that project, I decided I wanted to stay involved at MacLeish and continue to work out there. I love spending time outdoors and the opportunity to combine engineering with sustainability and community projects. I am always trying to get more people to come out and try their hand with a bow and arrow, see the Bechtel Environmental Classroom and spend time on the beautiful hiking trails.